Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mind Boggling

Talk about a lot of things on your mind.. you know we all have those days when everything seems to be going wrong and it feels like the world may just end. You need to remember that you aren't the only one that goes through those days.

Today I had a plan to wake up early, go to the doctor at 8am and be at work by 9. Well here's what happened. I get a call at 7:15am from a fellow RA who smells marijuana. Of course, duty calls and I jump out of bed to attend the call. When I get there the police take an extra 15 minutes longer to arrive. At this point I start to worry about my doctors appointment. So When 7:53am came around and the student was being arrested I left the RA's to race to my doctor's appointment. I made it around 8:10am and of course they just happened to let someone go ahead of me. I did not get into the patients room until almost 8:40 (mind you I was supposed to work at 9!). I finally get out at 9:40am to receive a call from Scott telling me he is sick. So I spent a bit more time going to Walgreens for some meds. When All is said and done I got to work at 10:30 to hopefully start my day.

Guess again, during a one on one with Kevin I received a call from my dad telling me that my puppy was going to the vet. As I went to lunch I kept communication with him. Mallie had to get x-rays and essentially has the equivalent of a human's torn ACL on her back leg. Surgery is still up in the air but could cost $1500 if she has to do - bad timing before a wedding.

But back to the original point of stuff happens to everyone. I won't sit here and say yeah I'm so happy and lie to your face, however remember too that currently I am on a balance beam - to one side I can go completely negative thinking Mallie wont make it because we cant pay for surgery and my day is just going to continue to suck AND I will probably get a million calls, OR I can go positive and pray that she may not even need surgery or God will somehow provide the means of taking care of her AND the rest of the week will be productive and great. I choose to be the second.

What will you do on your day of havoc?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


My birthday is this Saturday, and I'll be 20 years old. I have such a perfect picture in my mind of how I want my life to be when I'm 30, and suddenly I'm realizing that those 10 years could fly by. It's time to get serious about what little steps I can start taking now to achieve those huge goals later. Krystal's challenge about goals has got me finally sitting down and planning out. I'm normally a go-with-the-flow kind of girl, and I believe in fate, and right-place-right-time, etc so this idea of "planning" my life isn't really my cup of tea. But, sitting around waiting for my dream life to fall into my lap isn't realistic, so it's time to get a grip.

On the ResLife note, I have this really vague goal to "get to know my residents better and better each day." I had an idea to do alliteration door decs, like Creative Cameron or Jammin' Joel (I know it's nerdy, but I'm an English major and I love words) but I realized that while I can easily think of an alliterative descriptor for some residents, I'm at a total loss for others. So, my goal-within-a-goal for ResLife is to get to know my residents better so that by mid-April, I can bust out my alliteration door decs.

In regards to my long-term-big-girl-life-goals, I dream about living in a big city, doing something people-oriented involving journalism or creative writing. In my dreams, that big city is NYC. Last night, I realized that if I don't find a way to live in New York -- even for just a few months -- within the next few years, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. I'm about to be 20 years old! Now is the time to take those risks, travel recklessly, and truly chase dreams. I figure the best way to make-it-or-break-it in the Big Apple is to: A) Find an internship, or B) Bum it as a waitress and write freelance until I get my big break. Option A is obviously the more sturdy of those two my goal-within-a-goal is to start aggressively scouting internships in New York City, ideally for this up-coming summer. That gives me three months to get on the ball. Whew. It's worth it for your dreams, right? You guys know I'm such a ridiculous optimist, but I'm about to kick it into an obnoxiously high gear.

Goals checklist:
-Come up with one alliteration adjective for each resident
-Apply for summer internships in NYC

Favorite Super Bowl Commercial

So I figured everyone has a favorite super bowl commercial. Here's mine!

The Voice Commercial!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Message for the Fourks!

Vince Lombardi once said, "It does not matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up." As most of you could probably tell, last semester Reslife was my life (it must be if I'm still doing this job after the number of incidents that I've had). Then something happened, my life started taking over my Reslife. God, friends, a girl, and just life in general began to be a bigger part of my life. As my residents needed me less, my programs finished and my duties ended, and we settled into a rhythm, I began to focus on my life and boy have I had a blast so far! Life was great I felt like I was on cloud nine. Then life knocked me down. Ironically it began with a girl. Her name is Chelsea, she's a good friend of mine, she got me listening to country music, brought me closer to God, and got me hyped the way only a crush can. This semester, I finally manned up and asked her out. She said that she just wanted to be friends. Ironically, it was the day before GRASS (Tracey remember during our duty from hell I said that I was distracted, well this was why) and it took every once of my willpower to focus during GRASS. Ask me about her I'd love to talk about her. Kelsey, Jessie, Tracey, Nadia, Dawn, Keshia, and Danielle I'd love to hear your feedback on what happened and where I go from here. Cameron, Joel, and Femi anytime you guys want to talk about failed crushes or ex-girlfriends I'm all ears. After Chelsea the semester was in full swing. So I was balancing getting over her (btw I'm still not) school, friends, Reslife and just life in general. Since Chelsea, everything has pretty much gone downhill. As you all know all too well, we have our friends and we have our Reslife friends. Well my circle of friends doesn't get together as often as we used to and you guys know how tough it is to keep your focus on Reslife when your around Reslife every minute of everyday. These times with my friends are my release from Reslife and with RA Selection weekend and duty I haven't gotten to see anyone in a little while. Sometimes it may seem that I am apathetic towards something Reslife related (Krystal now you know why I was a week late on my monthly summary- and Cameron now you know why I wasn't my usual get everything done self during our programs this last month) please understand that it has nothing to do with the program or the RA or the topic. I have just simply haven't had a release from this job yet (God knows you'd need one too if you had Reid for a resident lol). If you have hung with me till now you are probably wondering why I am telling you all this. I am not telling you guys this because I want sympathy or concern. I am not writing this as an excuse for being on autopilot  the last month. I am writing it because I have to get it all off my chest. I am writing this because it took Krystal finally asking me if something was going on for me to realize that I have not been on my A-game this semester (Krystal this is the dollar answer to your ten cent question). Krystal's question gave me the jolt I needed to get back up. I am writing this because you guys need to know that I up until this point I have been knocked down, but I have resolved to get back up and no matter what life throws at me I am going to keep getting back up. Starting right now I am off autopilot and back on my A-game. I have found the passion and motivation that got lost in life's shuffle.  Ideally I would like to go back to the RA I was first semester (minus all the incidents) but I know that can't because I'm different, my residents are different, and you guys are different. That being said I have regained my enthusiasm and I have a new philosophy, based on that TED talk that Alex loves so much, and I'm ready to tackle this semester with you guys. I know that I'm not the only one with problems and certainly what I've been through over the last month is nothing compared to what some of you guys have been through. There's a quote that most of you probably know that goes "20% of people don't care about your problems and the other 80% are glad you have them." I don't know where I fit into that because I actually care about helping people. Know that I got your backs if you guys ever need someone to talk to, someone to sniff suspected weed lol or just need company, my door is almost always propped if I'm home and I always welcome visitors (not to mention I always keep a well stocked candy bowl). Thanks for bearing with me through this, what is turning into an essay, and know that I'm back to myself.