Thursday, March 22, 2012

Fourks, I apologize for being on the blog lately – you all know how much stuff was going in the last few weeks!

Regardless I want to share an article I found with you! We’ve talked several times on servant leadership during the years staff meetings.. Well you may have also heard of situational leadership. This essentially allows you to be a specific type of leader based on the situation at hand. This is why you may or may not see taking charge because I typically step up when I feel I will be most helpful.

I want to introduce you to another type of leadership – strategic leadership. Strategic in the sense of being able to use critical thinking to determine what will happen and use your leadership guidance to steer a group in a direction of hopeful success! This may not come easily to everyone. Perhaps you are the one to stay focused on the here and now and (since most of you are future teachers I will use a classroom analogy) focus only on your current students in the classroom. While it is very important to pay attention to those students you need to keep your eyes open and think regarding how your actions may be affecting something else or if you are even doing all you can for those students to be successful later in life. It’s a major task and by all means not easy. The article discusses strategic leadership and how to create this strategic thinking for yourself.

I do want to add – leadership, though some qualities may be more natural to some, can be learned. It takes a lot of time and practice to gain these skills. However, if you are truly seeking to better yourself they will only come to you that much quicker.

Here’s a link to the website