Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Meaning of White Belt

"Pure and without knowledge of the worth of a Resident Assistant."
This is when the seed is planted and nourished by the RA and RD to develop strong roots.

This semester has marked a fresh beginning for a lot of us. Many of you have made new years resolutions (and have hopefully kept up with them!), set new goals for yourself, and have taken on new challenges that will hopefully make you into a better person! This phrase above is essentially part of this new ideal of not only being an RA but truly understanding what it is and why you do it, why we are here as reslife in general. This semester in one on ones and during staff meetings I want to push you to step out of your comfort zone, to try new things, to really challenge yourself. Remember this is a safe space. I am here to help and support you and so is your staff! Take a chance and lead the program, believe in yourself when you present your word and theme for the week, speak up in discussions. We're here to catch you if you fall and help fix the mistakes!

"this is when the seed is planted and nourished by the RA and RD to develop strong roots"
What does this mean to you?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Announcement

I don't know how many of you have thought any more about what I announced in staff meeting tonight but I will tell you it is very much bittersweet for me. I have come to love this job and I am deeply attached to everyone of you (regardless of whether or not you think so!). I've dreaded telling you all since I found out partly because I hate feeling like I am giving up on you all. But like I mentioned to I want to finish the semester strong with all of you and I hope you will do the same for me in return. It's been an amazing 4 yrs in Residence Life, and it has taught me so much... You have all taught me so much both about myself and about others..
I will do my best but I cannot promise I won't cry at Black and Gold!! :P

St. Patrick's Day Community Program!

St. Patrick's Day Program: Drunk and Lucky!
  • March 13th
  • Alcohol Awareness
  • Beer Goggles --> drinking games (flip cup, beer pong, stations, etc)
    • Beer Goggle Olympics
  • Mocktails (Free bartender)
  • Scavenger Hunt for Pot O' Gold
  • Irish Music
  • Lucky Charms Eating Contest (Dry Cereal)
  • Irish Education (St. Patrick's Day history)
  • Promo: Luck of the Irish video clips

Honorable Compliment

I asked you guys to go outside of your comfort zone to give a compliment to someone you aren't close to or someone you normally wouldn't give it to. My compliment this week was given to someone who I don't give enough credit towards. I personally have a lot of trouble giving out compliments (unless I really mean it) usually because I am always thinking about how things can be improved. I don't stop to think about the many things people all ready do and what they do well.

This week I gave a compliment to Natalie and thanked her for being an awesome boss. I want to elaborate on this... When I originally applied for this job, I wanted nothing more than to work for Charlie (only because I knew him so well and loved his leadership style). When Natalie hired me, I was excited for the job but nervous to work with her, unknowing her personality style or leadership style. Last semester started a little rough for me as well. I wasn't sure how far I could push my limits or what she would be ok with. We've both worked through ins and outs, fought, yes legit argued, over things, and have figured out the best way to get things done and truly understand each other.
I shared some news with Natalie this week that I believed saddened her. With that said, I messaged her and told her I truly appreciated her as a boss and that she was in fact awesome. I think it went well, and she and I can truly understand each other now.

Anyway, you never know where a compliment will take you. What have you told someone this week?