Tuesday, February 7, 2012


My birthday is this Saturday, and I'll be 20 years old. I have such a perfect picture in my mind of how I want my life to be when I'm 30, and suddenly I'm realizing that those 10 years could fly by. It's time to get serious about what little steps I can start taking now to achieve those huge goals later. Krystal's challenge about goals has got me finally sitting down and planning out. I'm normally a go-with-the-flow kind of girl, and I believe in fate, and right-place-right-time, etc so this idea of "planning" my life isn't really my cup of tea. But, sitting around waiting for my dream life to fall into my lap isn't realistic, so it's time to get a grip.

On the ResLife note, I have this really vague goal to "get to know my residents better and better each day." I had an idea to do alliteration door decs, like Creative Cameron or Jammin' Joel (I know it's nerdy, but I'm an English major and I love words) but I realized that while I can easily think of an alliterative descriptor for some residents, I'm at a total loss for others. So, my goal-within-a-goal for ResLife is to get to know my residents better so that by mid-April, I can bust out my alliteration door decs.

In regards to my long-term-big-girl-life-goals, I dream about living in a big city, doing something people-oriented involving journalism or creative writing. In my dreams, that big city is NYC. Last night, I realized that if I don't find a way to live in New York -- even for just a few months -- within the next few years, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. I'm about to be 20 years old! Now is the time to take those risks, travel recklessly, and truly chase dreams. I figure the best way to make-it-or-break-it in the Big Apple is to: A) Find an internship, or B) Bum it as a waitress and write freelance until I get my big break. Option A is obviously the more sturdy of those two options....so my goal-within-a-goal is to start aggressively scouting internships in New York City, ideally for this up-coming summer. That gives me three months to get on the ball. Whew. It's worth it for your dreams, right? You guys know I'm such a ridiculous optimist, but I'm about to kick it into an obnoxiously high gear.

Goals checklist:
-Come up with one alliteration adjective for each resident
-Apply for summer internships in NYC

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